Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hi all, thought I could get a quick message out while on a lunch break. Army food is tasty. I believe it is sooo good because it has a shelf life of a 100 years (and thats after it has been opened/cooked).

We had some sun shine today for about two hours (first time since my return). I guess I won't get scurvey now...there's always a positive in the day.

Ground hog day is still continuing.... Though it will soon take on new meaning in a few weeks. Yea for me. Was able to get to the gym yesterday before they closed. Haven't really been working to hard on the weights but that will change with the change of scenery as gyms will be open 24 hours a day. Any who... was able to play some more racquetball and even score a couple of wins. Woo hoo.

Gotta get back to getting the digital bad guys.

Hope you are having a good day. (found out today was Sunday...enjoy the rest of the weekend)

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